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Potential Complications and Failures of Dental Implants

Potential Complications and Failures of Dental Implants

No matter how simple or easy some things seem, all medical procedures tend to have a slim chance of going wrong. Unfortunately, this happens even when the best doctors are in charge. It is therefore important to prepare yourself psychologically in case any complications arise. While this rarely happens when you deal with expert dentists such as those from River Valley Smile Center, it is impossible to rule it out completely. The best thing is to discuss with the expert your fears during the consultation phase. Then, the dentist is better positioned to explain the possible risks that come with dental implants. Some of the complications and failures you are likely to experience include:


This is one of the most common complications. Usually, infections may occur during or after the surgery. Some dental implant challenges can happen immediately after the surgery, while others could develop years later. It helps pay attention to the aftermath and stick to the recommended aftercare since these influences the complications you are likely to face. Dental implant infections can result from autoimmune diseases and lifestyle choices such as failing to observe correct oral hygiene measures or smoking. You may have to get rid of some of the poor habits immediately after the implant to avoid infections.

Micro-movements of the Implants

A properly installed implant should not move under any circumstances. If your dental implant keeps moving, there may be a problem that needs to be addressed quickly. Lack of stability after the implant procedure could be the major reason for such movements.

It is important for the jaw to adequately integrate with the implant before a tooth replacement is done. The movements will happen if the dentists perform the said surgery before the jaw completes the process. While this technique often leads to fewer doctor visits, it could also trigger dental implant failure when excess stress is placed on the implant.

Lack of Enough Bone Support

Your bone implant needs sufficient bone support to prevent early-stage failure of the procedure. In addition, enough bone ensures that the implant comfortably fuses with the jaw.

Allergic Reaction

Some people develop allergic reactions to the titanium implant. In such cases, you are likely to exhibit swellings, tingling sensations, and loss of taste. Therefore, it would be best to mention a titanium allergy before the implant is one and get a different implant without the titanium metal.

Failing to Adhere to Doctor’s Instructions

Your doctor/ surgeon/ dentists will advise you on a few things once you get the implants. Eat what they recommend, prioritize your oral hygiene, and avoid hard sugary stuff. Following such pointers will increase the implant’s success rates. Above all, make sure to deal with the right professionals from the word go. River Valley Smile Center are the dental experts to count on.

Contact us at 479.646.0706 or visit us at River Valley Smile Center today! Follow us on Facebook  for more dental implant information.

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