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Tips for Getting Used to Brand New Dentures

Getting new dentures can be a discomfort, but knowing how to adapt to and properly care for them can make this transition go as smoothly as possible. Learning ways to adjust can be paramount for not only your oral health, but your overall health as well. Here are some tips to help you get used to your new dentures.

Set realistic goals.

New denture-wearers often report a bulky, or crowded, feeling in their mouth, as dentures are a foreign object for them. It is difficult to chew and speak at first, which can be a little embarrassing. It’s important to remain patient and have realistic expectations concerning your progress. You can ease the stress of adjusting by periodically removing your new dentures to relieve discomfort until your next fitting. In this early phase, begin with soft foods and work your way up to those more challenging to eat, and take smaller bites as you adjust to chewing.


Speech therapists often recommend singing your speech to help correct speech disabilities. As you are temporarily orally disabled with your new dentures, this may help you learn to form certain words with less difficulty. Sing along to your favorite music to make this strategy more enjoyable.

Do cheek exercises.

Your cheek muscles, known as buccinator muscles, assist in directing food from your mouth before swallowing. These muscles need exercise like all the other muscles in your body, to remain strong and functional. They can become tired, or even sore, when you are first learning to eat and speak with dentures. Keep them lubed and properly functioning by forming an ‘O’ with your lips, then smiling exaggeratedly.

Experiment with adhesives.

Our office can help you determine the best adhesive for your dentures, and we encourage you to try out different types to find the most suitable one for your needs. However, adhesive cannot help an ill-fitting denture, so contact our office if you feel you may need a refitting.

Be diligent with your post-extraction plan.

Your treatment plan is of the utmost importance when getting used to new dentures. Your healing process is unique to you, and we customize your post-extraction plan to best support your overall health and well-being. 

Following our recommendations can not only cut down on discomfort, but also protect you from compromising your oral health due to your dentures.

Your ultimate defenses against physical and mental discomfort when getting used to new dentures are regular visits to our office, excellent oral care habits, and patience. For more information about adjusting to your new dentures, contact River Valley Smiles at 479-646-0706.

River Valley Smiles