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implant challenges

Common Dental Implant Challenges

Common Dental Implant Challenges

Dental failure is nothing new to dentists and people who have experienced it. However, most people o not realize that this failure doesn’t happen. They are always triggered by something that was either ignored or occurred naturally. What’s more, dental implant failures and complications can either be classified as early or late complications. Below are some common issues you are likely to experience later after the implant has been done. Sometimes these complications come about years later. They should not be ignored lest they cause even more serious consequences.

Nerve Damage

This will not happen immediately after the implant. It could occur years after the implant. It happens when the surgeon puts the implant too close to the nerve. Nerve damage will present itself in the form of a few symptoms. You may suspect such incidences when you experience tingling and numbness in the tongue, face, gums, and lips.

Protruding Dental Implants

Sometimes the implants tend to protrude into the sinus cavity. This happens when the implant is placed too close to the upper jaw.

Loose Implants

Your dental implant may be loose because of an injury around the area. When the dental implant becomes loose, the result is a dental implant failure. Therefore, dental implants need to be strong and properly cemented.

Long-term dental implant problems do not come by chance. They are rare, but they happen when one neglects their oral hygiene. To avoid such instances, one is advised to observe high levels of dental hygiene at all times and ensure that at no time should they injure their teeth haphazardly.

Preventing Long-term Dental Implant Challenges

Dental implant challenges are mostly avoidable. Make sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly. In addition to this, you need to visit your dentists regularly for checkups and reviews. It is best to have an expert confirm and verify that your new implants work perfectly long after being surgically installed. Visiting the doctor also helps prevent and treat issues that could arise long-term. River Valley Smile Center is an excellent partner to walk this journey with. Finally, talk to the dentists at the dental hospital for the right kind of support. Finally, talk to the dentists at the dental hospital for the right kind of support.

Schedule your dental appointment by contacting River Valley Smile Center at 479.646.0706 or visit us on Facebook.

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